16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side By Side

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side By Side

You’ve probably heard of companion planting before, but most people use this in terms of growing vegetables together. While it can be a very effective method of vegetable gardening, there’s actually some evidence that points to growing specific herbs together, as well. You may be surprised at which herbs tend to do best when they have a friend beside them.

These plants may be planted in a full herb garden, but you can also grow them in planters or containers. Most herb gardeners want to minimize the amount of space they use when container planting, so putting several herbs together can be a great option. Here’s what you should consider planting together.

1. Basil

Basil is actually really great for growing with most plants. It’s a natural pest repellant, so it’s particularly helpful in keeping other plants happy and safe. That being said, it goes particularly well with chiles, parsley, and oregano. You can also plant some tomatoes nearby to benefit from the fly repelling powers of basil and to whip up fast, fresh Caprese salads.

Basil can be used to improve your health, repel stomach bugs and intestinal parasites, as well as adding flavor to your food.

2. Marjoram

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Basil and Marjoram

This savory herb is ideal in many ways. It goes with pretty much every dish you can imagine and it has natural antiseptic in it, plus it’s good for helping you sleep and lowering blood pressure. It’s been used in teas and to treat wounds for generations, so it’s definitely something you want in your medicinal herb garden.

Marjoram can be planted next to literally any plant and it will do very well. However, it’s particularly great when grown with chives, basil, and parsley.

3. Chives

You may be surprised to know that chives, with their mildly onion-like flavor, can help prevent cancer and increase bone density. They’re also very good for your memory and you can plant them with other herbs to enhance the growth of all plants involved.

Chives grow well with many other herbs, including mustard greens, tarragon, parsley, dill, and marjoram. They can be mixed in cooking with all of these, as well.

4. Dill

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - DillThis fun-looking herb is usually regarded as popular for pickles. After all, dill pickles wouldn’t exist without it.

However, dill is also calming to the stomach and it can help with nausea and heartburn. Both seeds and the leaves may be used in cooking.

Dill may be planted with most vegetables, but should never be near carrots.

As for other herbs, you can try planting dill alongside lemon balm, lovage, and chives to see how much better they all grow.

5. Bay

You probably already use bay leaves in your cooking and know that these immune system boosting plants are amazing with meat, beans, and stews.

You can plant bay with a number of other herbs, including rosemary, parsley, sage, and thyme, all of which will benefit from its pest-ridding aroma.

6. Mint

This handy herb is often used to calm nausea and ease gas and bloating. It can be chewed fresh to give good breath and is great for spicing up dishes, savory or sweet.

You can plant multiple types of mint together in the same area, but they do tend to take over the area. Because of this, you’ll want to stick to keeping mint in containers or your entire garden will be overrun. However, it does grow well with oregano and should never be planted near parsley.

7. Oregano

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Oregano

With antiviral and antibacterial elements, oregano is frequently used to treat infections, particularly intestinal infections.

It also gives the immune system a boost and is used to add flavor to foods.

You can plant it with nearly anything, as you’ve seen from other herbs listed here.

8. Parsley

You likely use parsley on a regular basis in your cooking, but did you know it is also helpful for bad breath?

Many people use it to ease gas and stomach upsets, as well, and it’s packed with Vitamin C. Definitely a good herb to have around. In addition, it helps boost other herbs planted around it, including basil, dill, lemon balm, lovage, and just about any other herb you might want in your garden.

9. Rosemary

Rosemary is best known for boosting your brainpower and increasing memory. However, you can also use it to aid the immune system and increase circulation throughout the body.

It repels insects and is a good addition to the vegetable garden, but also gets along with pretty much every herb in existence. Try planting it with parsley, fennel, chives, bay, and lavender for the best results.

10. Rue

Women will find rue helps reduce menstrual symptoms, brings on menstruation, and stimulates the uterus. It can also be used to treat topical pain, like arthritis, sprains, toothaches, and the like. Some even use rue to ward off insects.

To plant, try growing it next to sage, oregano, or thyme. It should not be planted near basil or mint, as it can slow the growth of these plants.

11. Thyme

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - ThymeThere are several different types of thyme and all of them are full of vitamins A and C. This makes it the perfect herb for treating colds or any virus. 

You can plant tarragon near cabbages to keep cabbage worms from making an appearance and it will also keep other herbs happy and growing well, including lovage, dill, parsley, rosemary, and sage.

12. Tarragon

This tasty herb is pretty strong, but it works well in both meat and vegetable dishes. It can be used to improve the health of your heart, increase your appetite, and lower inflammation. It’s also good for keeping blood sugar on the straight and narrow in diabetics.

Tarragon grows best when combined in the same space with parsley, lemon balm or lemon thyme, and chives.

13. Lemon Balm

If you have anxiety or are constantly stressed out, lemon balm tea is ideal for relaxing you. It can also boost your cognitive function, so it’s great for using before a test or interview.

Lemon balm is an easy plant to grow and does very well next to dill or basil, particularly if planted in a container.   

14. Sage

You can use sage tea as a mouthwash to keep your gums and mouth healthy. It’s also useful in reducing the intensity of menopause symptoms and aids with memory loss. Overall, this is a very useful herb to keep around, especially since it’s also good on your food.

Sage should never be planted with cucumbers, but it will grow well with other herbs, including thyme, lovage, lemon balm, lavender, fennel, parsley, rosemary, and oregano.

15. Lavender

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - LavenderYou likely know lavender as a calming and soothing plant, used to help people combat stress and anxiety. It’s good for inducing sleep and helping you sleep better, too.

However, lavender is also really good for repelling pests, so it can be planted around cauliflowers and cabbages to keep them pest-free. Oregano and basil both grow very well with lavender.

16. Caraway

Caraway isn’t a very common herb, but it is worth having around. Many people use the seeds to help them lose weight and reduce inflammation.

You can plant it around your garden early and let it loosen the soil a bit for the next plants. It grows best with parsley.

There are plenty of herbs that grow well together, so make sure you take advantage and get them settled in the ground or in pots near each other.
